The SLAC Lab is part of the Department of Linguistics, Languages, and Cultures at Michigan State University in the College of Arts and Letters. The Lab is academically affiliated with the the Second Language Studies Ph.D. Program within the Department, and cross-pollinates with TESOL, Spanish Applied Linguistics, and other linguistics and language programs across MSU. The Lab is located on the 4th floor of the B wing of Wells Hall (B407 Wells Hall). It is a quiet data collection room with 7 data-collection terminals equipped with e-Prime, Superlab, and other reaction-time data collection programs. The Lab also has a specific number of Nvivo and MAXQDA licenses, and other software for data collection and analysis. Work in the lab can be (and often is) paired with the equipment and data collection in the neighboring labs, such as the Tobii Eye-Tracking Lab (which is across the hall) and the Eye-Link 1000 Lab (on the 2nd floor). The physical SLAC Lab is open. Lab meetings are on Fridays at 1 PM. See the front page for specifics on the Lab meetings, which are open to all.
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