The Lab is open to new members. Want to join? Email us. Or come to one of our Lab meetings.

Koen Van Gorp, Assistant Professor
Lab Co-Director
Koen Van Gorp specializes in curricular and assessment design for additional languages. He is currently the Co-Editor of the international journal “TASK.” He teaches Language Teaching Methods (LLT 807), Language Assessment (LLT 808), and Child SLA (LLT 362).
Recent works
Van den Branden, K., & Van Gorp, K. (2021). Implementing task-based language education in primary education: Lessons learnt from the Flemish experience. Language Teaching for Young learners 3(1), 3-27.
Van Gorp, K. (2022). Designing a classroom-based task-based language assessment framework for primary schools: Blurring the lines between teaching, learning and assessment. In M.H. Long & M.J. Ahmadian (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Task-Based Language Teaching (pp. 585-602). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Paula Winke, Professor
Lab Co-Director
Paula works in language testing and assessment, and teaches LLT 808, Language Teaching and Assessment Methods, and LLT 821, Individual Differences in SLA. She is the co-editor of the international journal “Language Testing.”
Recent works
- Winke, P., & Brunfaut, T. (Eds.) (2021). The Routledge handbook of second language acquisition and
language testing. Routledge. - Winke, P., Zhang, X., Rubio, F., Gass, S., Soneson, D., & Hacking, J. (2020). The proficiency profiles
of language students: Implications for programs. Second Language Research & Practice, 1(1), 25-64.

Matt Coss, Graduate Student, STARTALK Lead Instructor
Matt Coss is a PhD student broadly interested in additional language (AL) educational innovation and evaluation. This includes aspects of instructed second language development and language teaching, assessment, language teacher education, and program design and evaluation, as well as the interface(s) of research and AL pedagogy.
Recent works
Matthew D. Coss (2023) The Case for a True Task-Based Curriculum for Medical Spanish Courses, Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 35:2, 224-239, DOI: 10.1080/10401334.2021.2020120
Zhao, R., Coss, M. D., Ruan, H., Li, B., & Ma, J. (2023). Examining secondary–postsecondary articulation of Chinese language programs: A survey of US college placement procedures. Foreign Language Annals, 56, 690–719.

Recent works
- Kubokawa, J.M., Day, A.E., & De Costa, P.E (2024). Ethnography, linguistic ethnography and participant observation. The encyclopedia of applied linguistics. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Day, A. (2018). Quiet Achievement: Information Processing and Perceptions of Silence. Modern Language Teacher, 27(1) pp. 47-50.

Jared Michael Kubokawa, Graduate Student
Jared Michael Kubokawa is a PhD candidate in SLS and recipient of the MSU “University Distinguished Fellowship.” He has experience teaching English in both international and domestic contexts across multiple age groups. His research interests include second language and multilingual writing, teacher education and assessment, and corpus linguistics.
Recent works
Kubokawa, J. M. (2023). The multilingual poetry task: Innovating L2 writing pedagogy in the secondary classroom. Journal of Second Language Writing, 61, 101039.
Kubokawa, J. M. (2022). Effects of an L2 Writing Poetry Pedagogy: Tracing Learner Development of Authorial Voice and Agency. International Journal of TESOL Studies 4(4), 40-62.

Recent works
Poole, F. & Clarke-Midura, J. (2023). Applying educational data mining to explore individual experiences in digital games. Language Learning & Technology.27(1), 1–26.
Poole, F., Clarke-Midura, J., & Ji, S. (2022). Exploring the Affordances and Effectiveness of a Digital Game in the Chinese Dual Language Immersion Classroom. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching,13(1),46-73.

Dan Reed, ELC Testing Director
Dr. Daniel J. Reed is a language testing specialist at Michigan State University. As the ELC Testing Director, he oversees test administration as well as research and test development in support of MSU’s English exams for incoming international students. Dr. Reed has played major roles in the development of proficiency tests in more than half-a-dozen languages and has conducted research on language aptitude and the learning of less commonly taught languages
Recent works
- Reed, Daniel & Stansfield, Charles. (2023). The MLAT-Elementary: History, Adaptations, and Current Uses. 10.1017/9781009076463.004.
- Reed, Daniel & Stansfield, Charles. (2016). The Use of the Modern Language Aptitude Test in the Assessment of Foreign Language Learning Disability—What’s at Stake?.

Monique Yoder, Graduate Student
Monique Yoder earned her MA TESOL at MSU (2008), and her MA in Language Testing from Lancaster University in England (2017). Monique’s research interests include classroom-based language assessment, language assessment literacy, language test development, task clarity in writing assessments, and rater behavior.
Recent works
- Yoder, M. (2021, February 9). A self-reflection approach to bolstering motivation in the foreign language classroom. TESOL Applied Linguistics Forum.
- Paquout, M., Gries, S., & Yoder, M. (2021). Measuring lexicogrammar. In T. Brunfaut & P. Winke (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of SLA and Language Testing. Routledge.